Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Part II

We have now reached Wednesday, and sadly we have to attend a funeral, but cannot dally because Grady & Lindsay are at home heaving. Sidney was most put out because she was the only one well enough to attend school. Zach somehow manages to convince his parents to let him take the afternoon off school and come over to look after Lindsay. Love is obviously not only blind but a little bit stupid as well. Zach is given fair warning he is entering a "kill zone" but he does it anyway. 

By Wednesday evening Lindsay and Grady are felling better, so Sid decides to throw a spanner in the works and promptly pukes after dinner. Where the hell did that come from ? 

Now we move on to Thursday and Sid is yet again at home. Grady, milking this golden opportunity also decides he is feeling worse again. I am pretty sure he is faking it, but if by chance he progresses like his sister, he could well end up barfing again, so against my better judgement I keep him home as well.  On the plus side I didn't have to get up early to take them to school, and when I told Grady that he could stay home, he thought it was a trick. I love the fact that I can still torture my children with mind games. 

Only an hour or so into the day I receive a text from Rob, it is now his turn to succumb to the malady, and although he is able to make it through the day, he was feeling pretty sorry for himself by the time he got home. He had booked a vacation day for Friday so we could go Christmas shopping, gainfully he tried, but it was my shortest shopping trip ever. 

Moving on to Saturday, everyone is on the mend except for Rob, who has now spent more time in the bathroom than when he was prepping for his colonoscopy. I'm not sure how I have escaped this plague, and spend every waking minute as if it's my last. Zach is over that afternoon, but half way through dinner, his face takes on a pained look, and he confesses he is not well. Half an hour later he is heading home, white-faced, clutching his stomach. I do feel very sorry for the boy, but you can't say we didn't warn him.

So now we are back at Sunday, a week has passed since "Patient Zero" or "Typhoid Sid" as I have taken to calling her. I am surrounded by boxes of Christmas decorations waiting to decorate, and copious amounts of laundry. I am sure I have not succumbed to this plague through sheer will power alone.

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