Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Down The Rabbit Hole.

I referred in yesterday's post about my week from hell. You knew it was only a matter of time before it hit the blog.

Technically it started last Sunday when Sid was up bright and early at 5:00 A.M. puking. I suppose I should be grateful it wasn't in the middle of the night. Fortunately my husband who has a cast iron stomach is able to handle such crises so much better than I. My first reaction is to feign sleep, but ever since I mentioned I did that in a previous blog, Rob is wise to it. Instead I attempt a half-hearted offer to assist, but Rob informs me he can manage, his concern was if I partook of the cleaning, I'd probably add to the mess. Oh Thank God.  Of course by "manage" he didn't necessarily mean quietly, and so there was much banging of doors, flickering of lights and thundering up and downstairs for buckets and disinfectant. It was quite a while before I could get back to sleep !! 

Obviously Sid is staying home from school on Monday, and now Grady is whinging his stomach is "urpy". That boy's vocab grows by leaps and bounds. I am hesitant to send him to school if there is any chance he might genuinely be sick so I decide to keep them both home. Horror of horrors. Grady spends his "sick" day making Lego movies on his IPod, while she of the two buckets, because apparently one isn't enough, reclines feebly on the upstairs couch. I spend my day with hands scrubbed raw disinfecting every surface of the house. 

Tuesday dawns bright and early and with no sign of puke for 24 hours I ship them off to school before heading out to Peterborough (about an hour journey) to assist a friend hosting her company Christmas function.  You can imagine my surprise when I get a text from Rob that afternoon, he has been summoned to the school to collect Grady because - you've guessed it - he puked in the classroom. By the time I return that evening, Lindsay is also down for the count. We are running short of buckets. 

To be continued ...

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