Tuesday, 17 December 2013

No More Snow Days

This is actually from last winter, but with the snowfall we had on the weekend, could easily apply to this week. 

For the record I'd like to state that my family is never, ever having another snow day. I don't care how much mother nature throws at us, a raging blizzard will not be used as an excuse to stay home.  This is Canada for crying out loud, suck it up, buckle on the snow shoes, harness the dog sled and make it to school or die trying. 

It wasn't so bad with Lindsay, she high tailed it to Zach's house as soon as she knew she didn't have to go to school. Sidney and Grady however, a different story. I think I have mentioned before we have a large back yard - 1/2 acre to be exact, do you have any idea how much snow is out there right now ? Grady wants to build a snow fort, a noble ambition, but he decides to construct it on the front lawn (not that you can see any lawn) and at the curb no less. The first run through from the snow plough and you can guess what happened - the fort is buried. I used to have such high hopes for that boy.  But perhaps that was the evil genius's master plan because he seemed awfully eager to get his sister inside the fort right before it caved in. 

You may think that having the children outside playing happily together in the fresh air, dodging snow ploughs would seem like a good idea. Think again, the dryer has been running non stop. It takes the kids 20 minutes to get soaked through, then troop through the house leaving a puddle of melted snow.  Everything is bundled into the dryer and then no sooner is everything dry, they want to go back out again. This cycle has been repeated continuously through out the day.  

By this time the snow fort has been buried no less than five times, and Grady has dutifully dug it back out - five times. He's a little slow on the uptake. When they are indoors, the little darlings have not stopped arguing. I would threaten to throw them head first into a snow bank (something I have been known to carry out in the past) but they are just twisted enough to enjoy it. I desperately need a new arsenal of threats. 

Having Rob home is no picnic either. I do sympathise that he has had to shovel the driveway no less than 3 times in 12 hours, but I would be more sympathetic if I didn't have to hear him whine about it. After all, I'm ready to call 911 if I notice him collapsed motionless in the snow. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. On the subject of whining, the damn dog isn't much better. He charged into the snow first thing this morning, frolicking like a puppy. At that point it was only a few inches deep and he was happy. Now that the snow is up to his shoulders, it's a whole different game of soldiers. He ain't going outside now, no way no how. Not sure how long his bladder is going to hold out, but the snow shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. Rob has even shoveled a path for him outside the back door, but in vain. 

So, no more snow days !


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