Tuesday, 24 December 2013

My Christmas Ditty

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the house,
Every creature was stirring including the mouse.
The stockings are flung in the hearth with good aim,
A fire hazard just waiting, to burst into flame.
The children refusing to go to their beds,
While visions of I-Phones rang in their heads.
And mum with her shopping and wrapping to do,
Don't forget baking and Christmas cards too.

Sid with her mega dumps, Grady the same,
No doubt in my mind, their father to blame.
Please, less time in the bathroom, and more time spent cleaning
Dusting & polish, I want the house gleaming

Homework and spelling, current events too,
As if there wasn't already, enough stuff to do.
Buffets to bake for, the choice is made clear
Mars Bar squares called for, the teachers all cheer.

The snow keeps on falling, a fair sight 'tis true,
But shoveling the driveway, I hate to do.
The task given to Grady, to earn extra cash
He'll spend it on Lego, gone in a flash.

The best Christmas Tree ever, standing so tall,
Hasn't crashed down yet, 'tis tied to the wall.
The glass balls so shiny, so pretty to see,
'Til the fucking cat smashes them to smithereens.

Lots of chocolates I bought, I thought I was done,
But my children are pigs, haven left me but one,
They think this is funny, their laughter so mocking
Just wait 'til they get only coal in their stockings.

My ditty must soon come to an end, 
Gifts still to wrap, cards still to send,
One last thing I'd like to make clear, 
Happy Christmas to all, and be of good cheer. 

I sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with loved ones, and I will be back blogging on January 5th.

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