Friday, 20 December 2013

Bah Humbug

My husband is far from a "Bah Humbug", in fact he takes great delight in Christmas, and enjoys decorating the house. What he doesn't enjoy however is pulling thirty odd boxes of decorations out of the crawl space. There also happens to be a couple of other things that make him nuts, and therefore provide me with great joy.

The first would be my Santa Cuckoo Clock. I purchased this a few years ago and I love it. I am however the only one in the house that does. Every hour little doors fling open, a mini Santa pops out  and calls with great gusto "Merry Christmas, Ho Ho Ho". This is followed by one of several different - and in some cases slightly off key - Christmas tunes. It is unfortunate if you happen to be standing near it when the hour strikes, because it will scare the bejeebers out of you, and has actually been known to make me curse on a couple of mornings when I was not fully awake and functioning. 

Rob hates it, the kids hate it, even the dog hates it, although he has stopped diving under the kitchen table every time it goes off.  It can be set so that it doesn't chime through the hours of Midnight to 6:00 A.M. The trouble is when I first set it up this year - Rob absolutely refuses - I must have done something wrong. I didn't notice it not going off during the day, but Rob sure as hell noticed going off every hour through the night. He said it woke him up each time, I only have his word for that because I slept blissfully through it. Sucks to be him. 

The second thorn in my husband's side is a purchase I made this year - in the hope that it would have a similar effect as the cuckoo clock and happily I was right. It is a snowman, about six inches high that goes in the refrigerator, every time the door opens it utters - loudly - one of several phrases "It's chilly in here", "Snack time" or something equally as inane. The only other person who likes it is Grady. The rest of the family - my husband and traitorous daughters have ganged up on me and turned their evil intentions on my poor hapless snowman. He has been kidnapped, hidden and sabotaged. I have not been impressed. So much for the spirit of Christmas. Vengeance shall be mine.

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