Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For

I have actually ran out of things to say,  I know that is tantamount to Niagara Falls ceasing to flow, but there you have it. My children have been little angels, no fighting, no fussing, no arguing, in fact I have to wonder if they are even my children. It may be because of Mothers Day, or perhaps due my spectacular exit from the house on Thursday, or maybe even they took pity on me because I haven't been well, but what ever it is that has caused this paradox in time and space, it means I have no blog.

We looked after Elliot on Saturday and even that was boring - perhaps not the right choice of words, because Elliott is an absolute sweetheart and fun to have around, but boring from the point of view that my children behaved themselves. I should point out that I had gone to great pains to make sure they behaved, but that doesn't always guarantee success. They didn't dress Elliott up in Build-A-Bear clothes, make him fetch the ball, or even trample him on the trampoline, which had been Grady's plan all week - not to intentionally trample him, but I'm sure that would have been the probable outcome, had we allowed him access to it. They were all as good as gold, all day, and believe me that is not something I can remember happening in a long, long time.  I think Sid & Lindsay may have got into a minor tussle over the TV, but that didn't even register on my "Blog Radar". All in all, dull, dull, dull.

Fortunately, we still have the horse, and she can always be counted on to get in to trouble. As I write this,  Rob is on his way to the stables to assess the damage from today's escapade. It begins with a text from Alyssia the barn manager this afternoon to say that Lacey was tangled in the fence again. Fortunately that was followed by an update to say that they had managed to free her and she was unharmed. Not so sure about the state of the fence, hence Rob's mission tonight, to do damage control - literally. He has taken Sid & Grady with him, so not only do Lindsay and I get a quiet evening - although as we are the only two still sick, maybe it was Rob's intention to quarantine us - but I'm pretty certain their good behaviour is going to come to a screeching halt, and I might get something to write about after all. .

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