You know you are in trouble when your son's teacher sidles up to you in the school parking lot and whispers conspiratorially "I have something for your blog!".
Last week the children had to present the speeches they had been working on to their classmates. Some of the children were naturally nervous and were concerned that they might make a mistake or flub some words. Their teacher patiently explained that even adults make mistakes and that she too occasionally uses the wrong word, upon which my son pipes up "But you use big words we don't understand so we don't know when you get them wrong". He made a valid point.
Now Grady's speech was on Great Britain's Special Air Service and was relatively straight forward compared to Sid's, which she researched and composed by herself. I don't know what she was thinking, but here is an extract from her speech that she actually had memorized ...
The horse family preceded humans by 5 million years ... The Hyacotherium is from the Oligene period, the Merychippus from the Miocene period, the Equues is from the Pleistocene period and the Pliohippus from the Plocene period.
Considering none of those words were in any of my spell-checks, I can only hope she had them recorded correctly.
My thanks go out to Hanna Z. for her contribution to today's blog !
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