Monday, 3 February 2014

Just Because

Bad weather, heavy snow, lousy road conditions and we have the Idiots Unite Convention. If ever there was a reason to stay off the roads in January in Canada, I can give you several.

Just because you drive a school bus does not give you carte blanche to sail down the middle of the road and force other hapless drivers into a snowbank.  Yes I'm the one in the minivan who taught a whole busload of kids some new sign language this morning. 

Just because the STOP sign is covered with snow, does not mean it isn't there. You still need to bring your vehicle to a halt, and not drive blithely through the intersection forcing the driver with the actual right of way - me - to slide out of the way. Asshole!

 Just because the sign has an 80 on it, that is a limit and not a goal. I will be the first to admit I have a tendency to speed, but even I know enough to slow down in white out conditions, with zero visibility on ice covered roads. Do the drivers who follow me so closely that I can see the whites of their eyes in my rear view mirror, really think I will be intimidated into speeding up ? Have you seen the back of my van ? I still have the dent from my run-in with a bulldozer, the possibility that your little Honda is going to rear-end me, ain't gonna make me go any faster. 

Finally, endless stupidity isn't reserved just for drivers, there are some moronic pedestrians out there as well. I appreciate the sidewalks are ice covered and slippery, but so are the roads, and with massive snowbanks either side already shaving several feet off the width of the street, if you decide to saunter down the middle of it, you don't leave much room for the vehicles which will cause a lot more damage if we hit an icy patch than you landing on your ass. Just saying.

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