Saturday, 16 November 2024

The Good ???? Old Days

Grady's school is huge with 4 large parking lots, the school, one south, one behind and one in front the school. There is a fair distance between the north and south lots. So, yesterday afternoon my sister calls, offering Grady a ride home from school as she will be driving by as school lets out. She tells me she is parking in the north lot by the goal posts. I text Grady to let him know and he trots off in search of his aunt. Several minutes later Grady calls, he can't find my sister. I explain she is by the goal posts at which point Grady tells me 3 of the parking lots are near goal posts. Surmising she has actually gone to the the south lot he treks back. I call my sister, it turns out she hadn't actually made it to the school yet and she is just about to pull in - to the north lot. I call Grady, but he doesn't answer, turns out his phone was on vibrate and he didn't feel it. Never mind, he calls me a few minutes later, exasperated because Jackie isn't in the south lot either. I've lost it by this point and convulsed in laughter I explained what had happened and direct him back to the north lot. He is none to pleased and rants that he could have walked home by this time. There were a few expletives in there, but you get the gist. As I'm finishing that call, my home phone rings, it's my sister. The entrance to the north parking lot was blocked, so she drove on past the school and parked in the south lot - you've guessed it - the one that Grady has just left. I try to call Grady, but again he doesn't hear his phone. By now I have tears streaming down my face and when Grady calls back to say he is back in the north lot and still can't find Jackie, I can barely squeak out what has happened. He is apoplectic, convinced we have conspired against him and hangs up on me, but not before I received an earful of a few choice words, well actually it was only one word, but repeated several times with great gusto. I call my sister to tell her to stay put because Grady is on his way, looking at the clock I realize he is right, under normal circumstances he would have been home by now. Jackie had been talking to me through her Bluetooth, and Grady told me afterwards that as he reached the parking lot he could hear my laughter from inside the car, with doors and windows closed. He was so not impressed. Gotta love my family.

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