Wednesday, 27 November 2013

What Are they Teaching In School ?

It always makes me nervous when I pick up my children from school and one or both of their teachers make a beeline for the van. It is even more unnerving when three teachers come to speak to me, especially when I only have two children in the school.

Last Thursday (see its that day again!) was no exception, other than the fact it was Rob picking up the kids that day. Grady's teacher catches him first and relates a story. The classroom was exceptionally warm, and Grady approached his teacher, mopping his brow and complaining of the heat. His actual comment was "I'm so hot, I feel like I'm getting decapitated".  Not sure what punishment they are meting out in schools nowadays, but it sounds pretty harsh. 

But wait! There's more! In Sid's class they had a guest speaker and the topic they were covering was Government. The speaker asked the questions and the children were supposed to buzz in. It sounds like everything was moving along smoothly until they were asked what system of government presided the US. At Grade 4 level ? Really ? The response he was looking for was "Republican", but no one had the answer. He tried a series of clues "Arrrrrrre you sure you don't know the answer?" "Arrrrrrre you able to think of the answer?" and so on, always emphasizing the "r's". Sidney finally clues in and excitedly buzzes in her answer "Pirates", she yells gleefully. I understand at that point, the teacher lost it.

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