It did occur to me that if I can blog about Tims' drive-thrus, as I have done in the past, and more than once, I'm probably spending far too much time cruising through them. I desperately need a new hobby, but anyway here goes.
Not all drive-thrus look alike. I'm sure this is a conspiracy on part
of the Tims' Franchisees, to mess with your mind. Play close attention
to the little "Order Here" sign, because I can assure you if you don't
notice it and drive gaily by, there's no going back. Moreover, for that trip at least, you
might as well find another Tim's to go to, because if you try again at
the same drive-thru they will laugh at you. The sad thing is,
this has happened to me more than once, and damn it all, there's always
been one of my little snitches in the vehicle with me.
the other hand, I have also been known to pull up to the scrolling
video advertisement and happily hold a one sided chat with a short metal
pole, only to hear a little tinny voice summoning me from 2 cars
lengths ahead. Don't try and pretend you were talking on your phone
instead, all that gets you is a pitying look along with your coffee.
Finally - and although technically this happened to me at Arbys not Tims, but the premise is the same - do not attempt to adjust your sunglasses. One day, as I ordered our food, I inadvertently made the mistake of moving my glasses to my head only to have them entangle firmly in my hair. Despite a frenzied attempt by Lindsay to help liberate me from my shades, by the time I got to the pick up window, my hair was wildly disheveled and the frames hanging askew off one side of my head, still securely attached to a clump of hair. I made a valiant attempt to pretend all of this was perfectly normal as I conversed with the employee at the window. A failure of epic proportions because the whole time she was staring in fascination at my head, while Lindsay convulsed in laughter.
So if I can only save you a fraction of the embarrassment I have encountered, then my work here is done. I probably should mention that now Lindsay has her drivers licence, be prepared for a new generation of drama at the drive-thru.
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