Tuesday, 18 December 2012


While on the subject of Sidney, my daughter at years old has become quite the comedienne, in fact I'm never sure what she is going to say. Here are a few of the more recent "Sidisms".

One Sunday morning Lindsay is up in her room watching TV and I yell up to ask her if she has any homework. Sidney turns to me with an incredulous look, "Are you new here ?  Don't you know everyone leaves their homework to the last minute" The sad truth is she is right. 

A couple of weeks ago we were heading up to see my sister in Port Perry to watch the Santa Claus parade. As we reach the town, on old geezer runs a red light right in front of us. Fortunately because my husband drives like an old woman, preferring to wait for the traffic lights to turn a particular shade of green, he hadn't entered the intersection immediately, so he was able to avoid what could have been a nasty collision. However that doesn't stop my reaction; shaking my fist and yelling obscenities at the idiot driver as he sails blithely by. Then a little voice pipes up from the back of the van "Dial it down mum".  Dial it down ? Where on earth does she get this from ?

Monday morning means spelling tests for both Grady and Sidney, and as usual everything is left to the last minute (see above). A quick cram session Sunday evening, followed by a last minute run-through the next morning, the one time I have to get up earlier to help out. We are sitting at dinner one Sunday evening and Sidney is showing off (the boyfriend was over!) and so I turned to her "I know how to wipe that smile off your face, you have to study your spelling tonight"  Without missing a beat she replies "You can stop smiling too mum. You have to get up early tomorrow to test us" . Little brat.

Rob is not immune to Sid's barbs. She need to take something in for "Show and Tell" (bless her teacher for letting them off the dreaded current events for the month of December), and couldn't find anything worthy enough. Finally Rob suggested a wood carving, and he explained to Sid "Daddy carved this when he was Lindsay's age". Sid turns to him and with a pitying look asks "Why are you referring to yourself in the third person ?". Huh? the girl is only eight years old.

Finally just this week, when Sid and her brother were fighting, I broke it up and told them both to go and clean their bedrooms., As I left the room I heard Sid mutter under her breath "Like that's gonna happen".  Thems fighting words, but I just didn't have the energy. I still have the "I can cancel Christmas" card up my sleeve, I just hope I don't have to use it. 

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