Monday, 30 April 2012

Friday Fallout

Market Day at school today, a fundraiser for the Renaissance class for their trip to New York,. This is the event Sidney was anxious for me to volunteer at so that I could pay for everything, and pay for everything I did. Face painting, fancy nails, popcorn, numerous games, I think it would have been cheaper for me to have purchased one of the student's tickets and left it at that. I even brought the kids home early from school, looking forward to a nice quiet Friday evening. Ha, I write this blog, I should have known better. No sooner are we in the door than a fight broke out over some of the prizes, ironically prizes that I myself had picked up at the dollar store.

The next thing I hear is a howl of rage followed by "You're the worst brother ever" which must have been Sid, but it was hard to tell from the harsh guttural tone. I haul them down to find out what was going on, only to discover they were fighting over two cardboard boxes. They each wanted the same one, and did I mention the boxes were identical ? You have got to be kidding me. My previous good humour is rapidly evaporating. Right then, I told them to get rid of the boxes and put them in recycling. The next thing I know the front door slams, opens and then slams again, the house shakes and I can hear the two of them squabbling all the way to the garage.  The front door opens again, slams shut and there is a howl of rage from outside, "Gradeeeeeeeeee!"  I can only assume he shut the door in Sid's face. I'm yelling at them to shut up through an open window - not very classy - but if you can't beat them ...

Sid comes in totally ticked and proceeds to snitch on her brother. "Grady told me I'd be in Juvie by the time I'm twelve" She reported with great indignation.  I'm not sure what she was expecting me to say, but I'm guessing from her reaction she sure as hell didn't expect me to agree with her brother.  Sid is now thoroughly pissed off, and resorts to her arsenal of threats, culminating in the horror of horrors ; "I'm leaving home". It would sure be a hell of a lot quieter if she did. I think I was supposed to express concern and plead with her to stay, but instead I gave her a bag and told her to go pack. It's a battle of wills at this point, and I'm certainly not backing down. This causes Sid some consternation, and after a hastily whispered conversation with her brother, they must have come to some agreement, because Grady came down to inform me that he and Sid had made up. Damn, I was so close !

One would think that would be the end of it, but no. Lindsay is the next one to snitch on her brother when I hear her screaming at him "Grady, you idiot. You're going to break something". What fresh hell is this ? After all, they have only been home for half an hour. It turns out that Grady and Sidney had decided to play baseball - in the house no less, and not just in the house but in the sun-room of all places - you know, the room with all glass walls. Wasn't it just last week that I did a blog on stupidity being contagious ?  These guys have it in spades. My sister has actually offered to take Sidney & Grady to England next year. If she does, I'm going to pay someone over there to rip up their return tickets.

Rob doesn't bother asking "How was your day ?" anymore. He just wants to know whether or not I wrote a blog. He knows that if I did, it probably wasn't a good day.

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