Friday, 3 February 2012

Not For The Queasy ....

I was challenged to write a post on rabbit poo. I can certainly write about it, I'm just not so sure that anyone is going to want to read it though ..... so I'll make it a short one.

Seeing as we have six rabbits, we have loads of the stuff. Admittedly, these rabbits stay outside year round  and it goes right on the garden. Occasionally we have had the unfortunate experience when a rabbit; and I'm really drawing down on my descriptive skills here, but there ain't no polite way of putting this, ends up with a giant pile of poo stuck to it's bum.

The first time it happened, my husband kept hoping the poo would drop off it by itself, but it wasn't to be. Eventually when the mound was so big, and the poor rabbit was forced to propel himself around the hutch on his tippy-toes, we embarrassingly admitted defeat and took him to the vets. And by we, I mean Rob and Sid, because there was no way in hell I was going near that one.  You can imagine my surprise when they brought the rabbit home 1lb lighter. The cost - $157.  I'm not sure what gold is currently trading for, but I'm sure it's cheaper than rabbit poo.

You may have noticed I wrote, "the first time it happened" which would suggest it happened again. Sure enough, Rabbit #2.  This time we decided to deal with it in house.  I can honestly say it was the worst experience of my life and I have suffered through childbirth !  It took three of us; me to hold the rabbit, Rob to soak off the shit  and which ever child I could threaten, to hold the clothes peg on my nose. I don't handle these sort of things very well.

I promise, I am not making any of this up. Someone once once told me, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all".  That can pretty much sum up our house. I cannot believe that I am actually sitting here on a Thursday night blogging about rabbit poo, but maybe it's because Rob has just informed me that this weekend we have to deal with another bunged up bunny.  For anyone one who doesn't believe me, you're welcome to come to our house and record the event for you-tube.  Good times !

So this goes out to Tim & Tracey, who have supplied most of our animals, including the rabbits.

Next installment on Monday. Have a great weekend, I can't wait.

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