Tuesday, 21 February 2012

My Son Has A Death Wish

I am convinced there is something fundamentally wrong with my son. It's not that he winds up his younger sister to the point she mashes him to a pulp. It has nothing to do with the fact he is the only boy in his school sporting an earring, or that he wanted to go out at Halloween dressed as a Unicorn (and a pink one at that - his father was so proud !). Although those incidents do make me stop and wonder. As for his obsession with carving bows and arrows, and his would-be pyromaniac tendencies, I can happily blame those on his cousin, (sorry Alex).

Apart from all that, I think the boy has a death wish. How else do you explain him calling his sister a b***h, when she is older, bigger, stronger and faster than he is ? That is just plain suicidal. The boy has had his underwear pulled over his head more times than I can count.

And then there was the incident this afternoon when we were riding.  Lindsay rode first and had Lacey cantering around the field. Grady is up next, but instead of trotting back to where we were waiting,  Lacey decides to canter instead. Grady wasn't expecting it, so he is hanging on for dear life, his face panic stricken, bouncing up and down like a sack of beans yelling "Whoa, whoa, WHOA". Followed by "HELP!  Dad".  I have had my share of watching riding accidents with my children; Sid taking a face plant into a manure pile, which was just funny, another when a horse rolled on top of Lindsay, not so much. So with my heart thudding wildly, and new grey hairs sprouting all over my head, I am expecting Grady to come a cropper any minute, but he hung on and Rob stopped Lacey without incident. No sooner has he stopped than Grady exclaimed "Damn, that was fun. Can we do it again ?".

Honestly, we were just that one chromosome away from having three girls.

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