Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Typical Evening In Our House

Normally, it is the mornings when our house is fraught with peril, but the evenings are also known to have their share of excitement, take this one for example; not too long ago. 

My youngest, who after dinner has consumed a chocolate mousse, a yogurt and copious amounts of fruit is wailing how hungry she still is, at which point her father sarcastically offered her cat food. What the hell was he thinking ?  While she is far from impressed, her brother thinks this is hilarious, and wastes no time in winding her up. However, It didn't take her long to wipe the smile off his face with a well aimed blow to the arm.

I step in at this point and send the youngest to bed, where upon the screaming reaches fever pitch and she has a total melt down, accompanied by slamming doors and objects hurled indiscriminately across her bedroom. I should add, that the first door slam wasn't up to her usual standard, so she went back and did it again !  She isn't satisfied until she causes the whole house to shake.

Not wanting her to get away with this behaviour, I order her back down stairs, and tell her to try it again - but quietly.  After shooting me a venomous look she stomps back up the stairs, and slams the door - again. Game on ! I can do this all night if necessary  - & sometimes it is.

The evening is shaping up nicely, my son still in tears, bemoaning the fact that he has the worst sister ever, whilst eldest daughter has now joined the fray screeching at her younger sister to shut up because her hamsters have delicate hearing.  Never mind that she is now making more noise than the other two put together.

Meanwhile, Rob has given up on whatever he was trying to do, and is making a frantic dash around the house closing any open windows, because, god forbid, the neighbours should hear the carrying on - like that ship hasn't sailed already.  

As far as I am concerned, no good will come from hanging around, so I take the dog and make a strategic retreat to the basement until the commotion dies down.  Fun times !

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