Monday 27 August 2012

Why I Love My Son

I apologise for the technical difficulties last week. Apparently some posts went out late, and Friday's not at all. It may have been more due to human error and pressing the wrong button, but I'll stick with technical difficulties for now. I have everything sorted now, so this week should be back to normal, well, my kind of normal at least.

My son Grady is 10 years old, and is known for his love of jokes, good, bad & indifferent (mainly bad). One evening he asked me if I knew any Latin. The first phrase that came to mind was Tempus Fugit, where upon he asked what it meant. "It means time flees, or flies" I explained. At which point he said "Oh, I know a joke , do you want to hear it ?" It didn't really matter if I said yes or no at this point, he was going to tell it either way.  "What flies but doesn't have wings?" he asked. Oh, wow a tough one, let me take a stab in the dark. "Would the answer be time ?" I replied. He looks at me absolutely stunned, "How on earth did you know that" he asks incredulously.   I can only shake my head, and hope stupidity isn't catching.

As smart as he is, (he also has a photographic memory) Grady is often a slow learner. One day he will learn that one of Sid's favourite pastimes is to place something of his on the floor, and then she patiently lies in wait. As soon as he bends over to pick up the bait, she pounces with ninja like stealth and gives him a wedgie. He falls for it every single time. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

The joke was definitely on Grady last weekend. Saturday, as I have previously mentioned was Sid's birthday. She was desperate for an I-Pod, but so that she wouldn't clue in right away I wrapped it up inside of a large flat box. I then stuffed the box with tissue paper, and Grady kindly drew on a large arrow with an "Open Here" sign, at the top of the box, just to ensure that Sidney would have to dig right down to the I-Pod at the bottom. Stick with me, I promise this story is going somewhere. Fast forward to when Sid has unwrapped her presents and Grady decides to make use of the box. He cuts out an arm hole on each side, draws on a face and puts the box over his head. It was quite long, so it reached right down to his hips. Of course he can't see where he is going, so this is the perfect opportunity for Sid and Lindsay to exact revenge for previous slights. Eventually, they lead him out the front door and down the path. He still has the box over his head, only his sisters have neglected to tell him that the arrow & large "Open Here" sign are now pointing directly at his crotch. Totally unaware of this development, he stands at the end of the driveway, happily waving at passing cars. I suppose I should be grateful that the neighbours haven't yet reported us to Children's Aid. I'm sure it is only a matter of time.

So if you happen to be driving down a street one day and see a kid in a box waving at you, wave back, it may be Grady.

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