Thursday 23 August 2012

Camping Adventures

Grady & Sid are in camp this week, but Lindsay is still hanging around and Rob is working from home again, so I can't celebrate having a quiet house yet, although school is so close now, I can almost taste it.

So camp got mixed reviews yesterday. Sid came home happy, happy, bounced through the front door and declared camp to be "AWESOME!" . Grady on the other hand skulked up the path with a scowl on his face, dragging his lunchbox behind him. This didn't bode well. Sure enough his first words as he trudged into the house were "I hate camp".  Considering they went to the same camp, I was surprised to get such differing views.

My first concern was that the camp bully was back. Towards the end of their last camp Grady had come home in tears because a bigger boy had pounded on him when the counselors weren't looking. Against my better judgement, I had to leave Rob to deal with it, because neither he nor Grady wanted me anywhere near the camp.   Apparently they thought I was going to cause some sort of scene, which is a bit unfair because all I was going to do was warn the repugnant little bastard to stay away from my son, and tell his parents exactly what I thought of their loathsome offspring, while casting dispersions on their obviously lacking parenting skills, all of which I think is a perfectly normal reaction for a mother to have.  

Anyway, my fears were ungrounded, there was no bully, just Grady not liking camp, which was really too bad, because we are paid up for the week and he is going each day.  Rob was quite concerned  that Grady was upset, but he need not have worried, because when they came home today he was much better spirits.  He did have one problem tho', and that is the talent show the camp is holding on Thursday. He is concerned he doesn't have any discernible talent. Sid on the other hand had no such inhibitions and spent the better part of the evening perfecting her particular talent - picking her nose with her big toe ! I'm not sure how she made out, because I couldn't stand to stay and watch.

I maintain children should come with a warning label.

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