Thursday 30 August 2012

Fight Of The Day

Only seven more sleeps until school starts and my sanity is hanging on by a thread. Only yesterday I was thinking how quickly the ten weeks of school holidays had gone by, and how overall, my termagant spawn had actually behaved better than anticipated.

That was yesterday, today I'm in a a whole different dimension.  Lindsay hasn't caused any problems, she sleeps all morning and hangs out with Mary-Clare in the afternoon, so fairly low maintenance. As long as you don't cross her path for the first half hour or so that she is conscious, you should be OK. The other two however, a whole other story. I swear they are trying to cram a whole summer of fighting into one day. Did they suddenly wake up this morning and realise their fightin' days were numbered and they'd better get to it ? Maybe it's a full moon, but whatever the cause, they had better cease and desist, because my patience is just one railroad tie short of a train wreck.  

Grady has been banished to his room - indefinitely, while Sid is at the dining room table writing out lines. Yes, I have reactivated the ever popular punishment. At the moment she is half way through writing  "I must not wish that Grady was dead" fifty times. If I find out she has spelled dead as "ded" she'll be starting all over again, I'm just that kind of person today.  Sid of course is totally pissed off, and would dearly like to continue the diatribe she started with Grady, but knows better. I think she is ready to skip right over the "I wish you weren't my family" part of her  threat (she is a bit predictable) and go straight to "I'm going to live in a cardboard box and you'll be sorry!".  That is all very well and good in August, I'd like to see her try that in a Canadian winter.

I have admit, in between the fighting, Grady did make me laugh. Sid did something - I don't know what - that set Rob off and he growled at her "You're just like Grady!". At which point her brother, not missing a beat, sniffles, sheds a fake tear and comments "They grow up so fast". Too clever by far that boy. The beat goes on.

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