Friday 31 August 2012

Far be if from my husband to shy away from a fight, (can't imagine where Grady get's it from), he has been persnickety all day and now tonight he is going at it with Lindsay.

She and Mary-Clare had planned on making an apple crisp for desert, only halfway through the process Lindsay discovers she is missing several key ingredients. This immediately becomes Rob's fault (because he does the grocery shopping) but he puts it back on Lindsay because she didn't write it on the list (he does have a valid point).

Back & forth they go, and heaven forbid, Rob should suck it up and make a trip to the grocery store. Meanwhile my vision of warm apple crisp smothered in Devon custard is fast going the way of the dinosaur.  I finally volunteered to go to the store and pick up the necessary ingredients. The next thing I know my magnanimous gesture has turned into a free for all at the van where all the kids are fighting over who rides 'shotgun", because apparently they are now all coming with me. I'm sure this was Rob's cunning plan from the outset, because as I back down the driveway, he is standing in the front window waving, with a distinctly smug "gotcha" look on his face.

I returned from what can only be described as a harrowing trip to the Bulk Barn, where my children who were overcome from the overflowing bins of candy, ran shrieking through the store, like things possessed, with me in hot pursuit, hissing "Don't touch that! No you can't have it!. Put it down!". and on and on ... only to find my husband, sitting serenely in a peaceful house.  He will pay.

I have been frantically searching through my dictionary and thesaurus, looking for something new to call my husband. Something that will not offend my sister, (I'm way beyond caring if I offend my husband), but still delivers the one-two punch of "Rat Bastard". If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. It doesn't even have to be in English - my Russian followers take note !

Holiday Monday this weekend, and back to school on Tuesday. Everybody join in, "It's the most wonderful time of the year" .  So forgive me if I am overwhelmed by the joys of shipping my offspring out the door, and a little tardy with Tuesday's post.  Happy Labour Day and have a wonderful weekend.

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