Day 2 of the renovations and I still have a husband and a son relatively intact. Grady, of course would probably disagree, because when Rob threw (dropped) a saw at him, it impaled his shirt and almost (not even close) removed a certain appendage (a la John Wayne Bobbitt). Like I said, he is a little bit drama prone. To be fair he did spend an inordinate amount of time laboriously carving away drywall to accommodate a window. After completion of this task he mentioned how a sawsall (spelling ?) would have made the chore so much easier, at which point Rob helpfully offered up that he did in fact have said tool in the garage. Grady was not even remotely impressed. Despite advice to vacate the house immediately, I decided to stay and offer helpful suggestions. However it would appear they were considered neither wanted nor helpful and I was unceremoniously booted from the basement. We did have one casualty, my floor lamp which bit the (drywall) dust after losing a fight with Grady. Although I was quite happy to forgo that particular lighting for the time being, the intrepid duo took that as an excuse to spend the rest of the afternoon in Home Depot. They did extend an invitation for me to join them, but truthfully, I'd rather have a root canal. Upon their return they were positively giddy with excitement, toting an armful of new tools, declaring to make today's endeavours much easier. Time will tell. Stay tuned.
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