Saturday, 18 January 2025

Driving Lessons

With Sid's 16th birthday looming this summer, she is anxious to start driving practice. We thought the back roads near the farm would be a good start. We were wrong. Sid slides into the drivers seat of my van, announcing she's a natural. Grady is in the back frantically making the sign of the cross, while I am white knuckled in the middle row and Rob drew the short straw in the front passenger seat. She starts off slow, so far so good and then promptly heads straight for a ditch. Grady truly took on the role of a back seat driver, and while Rob is yelling at him to shut up, I'm yelling at Sid to avoid the ditch she is unerringly aiming for. After a few metres on the straight, Rob thought it would be a good idea for Sid to attempt a turn, the rest of us - not so much. Sid is well into the intersection as Rob is trying to get her to turn the wheel, by now she is well off course and the ditch on the OTHER side of the road is looming large. Rob grabs the wheel, and steers back on to the road. Sid is annoyed and chastises us for yelling at her, but as I pointed out we were all screeching the same thing "brake, brake, BRAKE !!" She still declares she's a natural.

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