Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Long Live The Chipmunk

Our neighbours are well used to our antics by now. Those closest to us realise we are relatively harmless, but I know for a fact that there are some who speed up as they pass our house, hurrying their precious offspring along, lest something untoward happens. 

It is well documented in this blog that not all of our issues (and by that I mean fights) take place inside the house, and there has been many a day when snotty and screaming children (mine) have been booted out the front door, oft times with me in hot pursuit wailing like a banshee. Paints a tranquil picture doesn't it ?

Alas it is not always my children I have to chase and in the latest episode of "Did you see that crazy woman down the street today?",  I was after the cat. I came home after dropping the kids off at school, it is pissing down rain and the first thing I notice as I hurry up the path is our orange cat with a chipmunk in his mouth.

My first attempt to coax the cat close enough to grab the little bastard by the scruff didn't work and he scooted into the bushes with me in hot pursuit. As I dive in and out of the euonymus (where is the spell check when I really need it?) and the lilacs, the cat and his prey stay one leap ahead. At this point any neighbours driving by would only catch sight of my ass end sticking out of the shrubbery. I should also mention I am totally soaked. 

Finally, I saw an opportunity and with ninja like stealth (and anyone who knows me will be laughing at this, but I kid you not), I dove on the cat and it promptly dropped the chipmunk who proceeded to run around in circles and was immediately grabbed up again by the cat. By now I am cursing up a storm and sorely tempted to leave the chipmunk to it's inevitable fate, but I had visions of nursing it back to health and maybe even acquiring a chipmunk pet, (what the hell was I thinking ?), so I decided to give it one last ditch effort and flung myself on the cat. I'm not sure who was more surprised. The plan worked and the chipmunk was free to live another day, which was about all he did live, because the next morning a chipmunk tail was left, a bloody trophy on the front doorstep. 

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