Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Are You Sure It Isn't Thursday ?

I could have sworn that today was a Thursday morning. It didn't begin well with minimal sleep after crawling to bed at 2:30. I stagger to the bathroom and discover too late, no toilet paper. I yell to Grady to get some from the downstairs bathroom, but he won't go near it because Sid is having a "mega-poo" his words not mine. God only knows how long I will have to wait for that to end. Kleenex it is.
Next up, Lindsay is not well, but has a test, so I re-arrange my standing Friday morning coffee date with my friend Lisa in order to drive my daughter to school and collect her again an hour later. So far so good, I can manage that. 

Now we move on to the bane of my existence - lunches. I finally persuade my son (an extremely picky eater) so take left over spaghetti for lunch, but then find there is only enough sauce & pasta for one serving, and nothing comes between Sid and her "spag bog". Back to the drawing board with Grady. 

While he is humming and hawing, I proceed to fill up the drinking boxes, only to find the lids are missing. Damn! Damn! Damn! I turn around only to see the cat creeping towards Sid's spaghetti, I yell "Get the cat off the counter before he knocks over ..". Fuck! Too late, day-glo fruit punch over the counter and floor.

While this is going on, I have Sid on one side of me trying to tell me her schedule for the day. Who cares ? She is in Grade 4 student, not a CEO. Whereas Grady, not to be out done in the clammer for my attention, proceeds with a ten minute diatribe about which Lego pieces are missing from his new set. I'm not sure why he thinks I give a rat's ass, because really the only concern I have with his Lego is that I don't step on it in bare feet.

This morning is the school trip to the art gallery, and Grady switches topic, only to start nagging me (and trust me, you have not been nagged, until you have been nagged by Grady) about making sure we leave early. That would be a lot easier if Sid hadn't taken off back to the bathroom. What is wrong with that girl ? 

So there you have it, my morning in a nutshell, and not even 8:00 A.M.

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