Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The Drive-Thru Strikes Back

I'd like to be able to say I learn from my mistakes, but sadly that is not the case, and it appears I am doomed to repeat them.

Only this afternoon, with my daughter begging me to make a detour through Tim's for an Ice-Cap or whatever the sugary crap is that she drinks, I was so busy chatting that I drove right past the order speaker (again) and was almost at the pick up window, before I realised my error. I think it was the sound of mocking laughter that clued me in. Meanwhile my daughter was trying to alert me to this by yelling, "Mum, mum, mum, MUM" , but as I detest it when she interrupts me, I was pointedly ignoring her. Fortunately there was no one behind me so I was able to back up and return to the speaker, which was no mean feat in itself because that part of the drive-thru is a hair pin bend, and it is well documented how I feel about reversing in the van.

However, that first little mishap wasn't enough for me, oh no. I totally forgot I was still in reverse, and after I called out my order, I immediately headed backwards instead of driving forwards, which was probably what prompted the "Loser" comment I distinctly heard the girl mutter. Couldn't really blame her actually. I just thank my lucky stars for an empty drive-thru.

Finally, a little something I learned last week. When the asshole in the souped up pick-up truck cuts in front of you at the McDonald's drive thru (I was on a mercy mission to pick up lunch for my daughter & her friend) don't yell "Asshole !" at him, even if you think he deserves it. It turns out that when the driver's side windows are down, sound carries really well. Said asshole may be then tempted to park his overlarge truck (which I'm sure is compensating for something else), essentially blocking the exit and preventing you from leaving. Learn from my mistakes! Someone has to.

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