Tuesday 3 April 2012

I'm Not Making This Stuff Up

My brother-in-law was catching up on my blog the other day and he commented to my sister, that surely I must be making some of this stuff up. Sadly no, I'm not. Though I am a little surprised at his question, after all he has spent enough time in our home to know that chaos reigns supreme.

I honestly don't manufacture these stories. The only difference between me living through them and you reading about them afterwards, is that I am unlikely to be laughing about it while it is happening (for example the infamous horse dismount and/or rescue), unless of course it's happening to Rob, in which case I probably find it hilarious. I really do have a sick sense of humor. Just ask him about the time he was choking, when my dearest friends and I sat and watched, as we laughed and mimicked him. In our defense, we had  been drinking all afternoon, which is probably why we thought that Rob, with bulging eyes, turning purple and threatening to gasp his last, was incredibly entertaining. The saddest part is, three years later on and sober, we still reminisce and laugh about it. 

To be fair, Rob has also had his fair share of laughs at my expense. I think when I started this blog, I may have referred to an incident in the grocery store. I was sauntering down the aisle, not paying attention to where I was going, and ran my cart full tilt into a cereal display. Boxes flew everywhere, and I was mortified. It was a Saturday morning, and the store was full of shoppers to witness my unfortunate collision . Rob, fully aware of what had just happened, continued on his way. Surprised, I called out to him to come and help me, he just shot me a withering look and in his most disgusted tone declared loudly, "Lady, I don't even know you" and the rat bastard walked off, just like that, leaving me gobsmacked. He was bloody lucky he didn't choke that night !

So in answer to my brother-in-law, these posts are the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Continue to enjoy them, and indulge in a laugh or two at my expense.

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