Friday 20 February 2015


Grady has badminton tryouts today (and I use that term loosely) so he asked if  he and Sid could practice in the hallway before school. He is patiently explaining the rules and technique to Sid, who continues to lob the birdie in every direction but at Grady as he dutifully runs to retrieve it. He truly thinks they are practicing badminton and that his sister just has bad aim, but it is obvious from the malevolent grin on her face she is playing "Fetch". 

Afterwards Grady confides in me "I don't think I have much chance at winning the game, so I have memorized the rules instead. That way if my opponent breaks the rules I can call them on it and win the point". Have to admire his ingenuity. 

P.S.  He lost . 

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