Friday 6 July 2012

Thursday's Aren't Finished With Me Yet

Thursdays strike when you least expect it. Maybe it was because Monday was a holiday, but I wasn't prepared for today.  I stayed up until 1:00 A.M.last night, or more technically this morning,  trying to get the damn cat in, but to no avail. I'm sure he was sleeping over at the neighbours again. I'm ready now to tell them just to keep the bloody cat, and save me the hassle. We have racoons, foxes and even the odd coyote roaming the streets at night, so I hate leaving the cat out, and if the neighbours didn't keep feeding him against our wishes, we might have a chance of getting him in. Anyway, I digress, but thank you for indulging my rant for today. 

So now you know the reason I am tired and irritable. Meanwhile, Lindsay needed to be at Hannah's house today by 9:30 A.M. for an event they were attending, and last night she asked me to wake her up at 9:00 this morning. I explained that was a bad plan because I didn't intend to be up by that time myself.  Her next suggestion was that her father call the house at the appointed time, I nixed that too because hello ? the phone is right beside my bed. I told her to use her alarm clock or better still, leave a note for Grady, because he'd like nothing more that to wake up his sister.  He is like his father in that respect, and has been known to stand beside Lindsay's bed and bellow down to us, at top volume,  "Lindsay is still sleeping, would you like me to wake her up?" Which of course has the desired effect, regardless of what our answer may have been.

Obviously other people, not privy to my wish for my slumber to continue undisturbed, had no qualms about calling the house at an ungodly hour. For me, during the holidays, an ungodly hour is any time before 11:00 A.M. (Extended family members please take note!).  Lindsay was still home when the phone rang, and in her mad dash to grab it before it woke me (which was already too late) knocked a photo frame off her dresser. So if the strident clanging of the phone hadn't roused me, the sound of breaking glass definitely would have. Like I've said before, I hate Thursdays. I immediately leap out of bed, yelling at everyone not to move, I don't want to start my day with pulling slivers of glass out of my children's feet. I send Grady downstairs for the vacuum cleaner, while Lindsay starts picking up the bigger chunks of glass.  I am frantically vacuuming up tiny shards of glass, when one of my children suggests that I might like to put some clothes on first. Oops, didn't even think about that in my haste. I thank my lucky stars, none of the kids had friends sleeping over last night, or this would really have been a Thursday for the history books.

I have to finish by saying that Thursdays aren't all bad, because today my blog reached 10,000 hits from 30 different countries, so I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all my readers. I do hope you continue to enjoy my posts.  Have a great weekend everyone, and I'll be back on Monday.

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