Monday 30 July 2012

Spider In The Bath Tub

I can't guarantee that I can commit to a post a day as before, but a few stalwart fans have persuaded me to at least try posting something on a regular basis, so I'll have to see how it goes. Admittedly there were some blog-worthy moments this weekend, starting with Saturday morning when I'm in the shower.

I am not someone who scares easily, after all I have children, and spiders as a rule don't bother me, but when a big black spider lands on me in the shower, I will admit to venting a girly scream. My husband - bless him - ignored me, Lindsay was still asleep - not for much longer, but Sidney & Grady immediately rushed to determine the cause of my distress. "What's the matter mum?" Grady yelled. "It's a spider" I yelled back, trying to keep the offending creature at bay with my toe, "It's big, it's black and it has teeth".  The part about the teeth was stretching the truth a bit, but I had to justify my uncharacteristic scream somehow.

Grady peeked behind the shower curtain - let out a girly scream of his own (at the spider, not me) and raced off. He was back a moment later with the spider catcher. Yes, there is such an implement, I bought it at Lee Valley Tools a few years ago and it works like a charm.

With Sid on the sidelines, encouraging him, he was able to catch the spider, teeth and all and remove it from the bath. He's my hero. My husband on the other hand, is a different story. I turn around, and there he is with the spider catcher and it's contents, sliding it around the shower curtain. I scream again, but this time with purpose. "What the hell are you doing ?" I refrained from adding "you idiot" but believe me it was implied.  "I was going to put the spider down the drain" he explained. Really ? After all Grady's hard work to remove it, I don't think so.  "Get it out of my shower and find somewhere else to dispose of it"  I instruct him through gritted teeth. Honestly, some days it is just doesn't pay to get out of bed in this house.

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